Sunday, 22 January 2012

Child Care

Child Care


When you take the time to listen to your child, you make him feel important and let him know you have interest in his thoughts and feelings. Even infants and toddlers communicate, if you take the time to listen and pay attention to their attempts at communicating, advises Laurissa. Responding to nonverbal communication will help your child express himself verbally, recommends  Be sure to make time to talk with your child, even as he ages into his pre-teen years and older. When talking with him, give him your full attention, avoid interrupting him and give him nonverbal encouragement, such as leaning toward him, occasionally saying "uh-huh" or smiling when appropriate.

Setting Limits

 If your child misbehaves, do not tell her she was bad. Instead, tell her what she did was wrong and explain a more appropriate behavior. Make clear and consistent rules. This means that the consequence for breaking a rule should be the same each time it is broken. Therefore, parents, baby-sitters and any other family member should use the same rules for your child. Common discipline areas as a child ages include lying, steeling and cheating, states If you find your child lying, steeling or cheating, you need to talk with them to find out exactly why they behaved the way they did, emphasize family rules, figure out a way to reward them when they behave properly and set a good example.talking to your child's school counselor or pediatrician, if his lying, stealing or cheating gets out of control.


Spend plenty of time with your child. children often misbehave when they need attention. Spend time with your child by reading together, playing together, walking together or doing chores together. Mrs. Lock advises that when a parent spends a lot of quality time with their child, a stronger bond builds between a child and the parent, making disciplining and communicating easier.


Your child needs to know how proud he makes you. Each time he learns something new, behaves well or conquers a challenge tell him how proud you feel, You help build your child's self-esteem when you praise his achievements, good decisions and positive attitude.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Pregnancy Anxiety

1Attend a Support Group 
 More and more organizations across the nation are starting support groups for women who are expecting again after a loss. 

2.  Find Success Stories -
 Other women who have made it through a subsequent pregnancy can be a great source of encouragement to you. They are living proof that it is possible to give birth to a healthy baby after the devastation of a loss. Ask your support group leader or health care provider for a referral.

3.  Request Frequent Prenatal Visits
There is nothing more reassuring than hearing the fetal heartbeat or seeing the baby's image during an ultrasound.  Even if you are not considered medically high-risk, ask your health care provider for more frequent prenatal appointments for peace of mind.

4.  Be Proactive -
The more knowledgeable you are about the medical aspects of your pregnancy, the better able you will be to discuss treatment options and outcomes with your health care provider. Stay on top of the latest research, and don't hesitate to ask questions or seek a second opinion.

5.  Worry Only about Actual Problems - 
All of us tend to dwell on the "what ifs." While you may not be able to eliminate worries altogether, you will be much happier if you resolve only to worry about actual problems, not what may potentially happen in the future.

6.  Involve Your Partner -
Need someone to lean on during prenatal visits? Having trouble making medical decisions on your own? Get your partner involved in your pregnancy. Research has shown that pregnant women with supportive partners have fewer problems overall.

7.  Treasure Every Moment 
 - Whenever you feel anxious about the future, take time to stop and remember that at this moment, the baby is alive and well. Appreciating your blessings instead of always dwelling on your fears will do wonders for your peace of mind

8.  Monitor the Baby's Movements -
If you are far enough along to feel kicks and jabs, set time aside each morning and night to monitor the baby's activities. This will have a double benefit. Not only will you be reassured that the baby is well, you also will be alerted to any unusual slowdowns that could signal potential problems.

9.  Try Not to Compare 
- Doctors agree that no two pregnancies are exactly alike. So as difficult as it may be, try not to dwell on any similarities between this pregnancy and the one that ended in a loss. Some complications do tend to recur, but since your health care provider now knows about these potential problems, treatment can be more effective.

10 -    Stay Focused on Your Goal 
- You may feel like you've been pregnant forever, but it helps to remember that before long the pregnancy will be a distant memory. If you didn't believe a good outcome was possible, you would not have made the decision to try again. Be grateful for the life growing inside of you and the hope that you will soon be giving birth to a healthy baby.

Self Injury in children's

Causes of Self Injury in children's 

1. Pain.
 Self abuse can sometimes be a sign of pain, especially for a child that has difficulty communicating or that is diagnosed with a pervasive developmental disorder. Observe the exact location of abuse and investigate whether it is possible that the child may be in pain. If the child is hitting his or her head or ear, try to determine if maybe they are suffering from a headache or earache.
You may want to ask if your child hurts or use the sign for pain while pointing to the area. Whatever method of communication you would typically use or if you are using a picture exchange communication system (PECS) , try to create a picture for pain to help them become familiar with this concept. If you believe your child is in pain, contact your pediatrician or family doctor for further instruction.

2. Attention seeking behavior.
 Self injurious behavior can also occur as a way to get attention. If you notice that the child tends to head bang or do other types of injurious behavior usually when alone and someone frequently goes over to give them attention immediately after the behavior, then attention is probably the motivator. Putting the child on a schedule of frequent attention every 5-10 minutes can help with this. You may also find additional strategies for attention seeking behavior at the link above.

3. Access to desirable items.
 Some children will learn that when they can't have something they often gain access to preferred items after hurting themselves. Self injury for this reason can be very tricky. If you try to withhold the items following self abuse you will risk an escalation leading to severe injury. You may find some of the tips on how to say no to be helpful, but seek help from a professional if you suspect this is the problem.

4. During transition times. Some children might engage in self injurious behavior to avoid transitioning to a new activity or to avoid and/or delay undesirable activities. Applying the transition strategies provided at the link above can help with a problem due to this reason.

5. Self-Regulation. It may also be helping a child to achieve self-regulation if the child suffers from sensory processing disorder. Working with an occupational therapist to develop a sensory diet and implement other sensory regulation activities can help to prevent self injury due to this reason.

6. Escape from undesirable activities. A child that doesn't want to do something that is asked might discover that self injury stops requests to do things. Compliance strategies can help to avoid injurious behavior due to this reason, but additional professional assistance may be needed if the behaviors are frequent or severe.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Hand Writing

Improve Hand Writing

1. Good writing is based on a pattern of ovals and parallel lines.

2. All small letters start at the top.

3. All the downstrokes are parallel.

4. All similar letters are the same height.

5. All downstrokes are equidistant.

6. The space between words is the width of the small letter o.

7. Ascenders and descenders are no more than twice the height of small letters, preferably less.

8. Capital letters are no higher than the ascendance, preferably less.

9. Lines of writing are far enough apart for ascendance and descenders not to touch.

10. Letters which finish at the top join horizontally.

Nail biting

Some people experience reflexes when they are nervous. Starting from the feet shaking, tapping fingers, until nail biting.
the habit is not only is harmful for the nail, but also not good for health because it potentially can spread bad bacteria. Because of that, try to stop this bad habit slowly. Here are some possible solutions you can try in order to stop the habit, according to Shine:

Using bitter nail polish
Use nail polish with a bitter taste. If it is difficult to get such nail polish on the market, try rubbing the nails with bitter liquids, such as brotowali herbs. Bitter taste will make you aware when you reflex bite nails. To start, try doing this for a week. It is quite effective to train you to fight the bad habit slowly.
Cut your nails
Nail biting will feel good when there are areas left on the tip of the fingers. Because of that, try cutting the nails regularly, so that the it would be difficult for the teeth to find areas to bite when the reflex happen. The sense of pleasure will be gone when you fail to find the nails.
Reduce stress
Nail biting reflex usually appears during stress or anxiety. Because of that, try to learn to control stress. Immediately look for ways to reduce stress as soon as possible with relaxation like a bubble bath, aromatherapy candles, take a fitness class, or taking a fun trip.
Artificial nails
Using fake nails at the tips of the fingers his could indeed damage the natural nail. That's if it lasts for a long period. Use artificial nails during your program to stop the nail biting habit. Artificial nails will make the habit become less comfortable.

Sexual Behaviour

Sexual Behaviour By Young Children's age 04 - 09 Years In SCHOOL

Now these days young child aged between 4 year to 9 year showing sexual behavior in the class room and in home too.
this type of behavior creating a great embarrassment to the Teacher's and parents, and for the normal mental development of the mind it create a  bad impact on neural wiring of the brain, if this type of behaviour would not notice by parents its crate a faulty learning in the child and lead towards a disturb personality and decrease success rate of the child.
we have to do some basic things for the further development of over child they are :-
  • Accept the child behaviour 
  • Try to make a record diary of his behavior
  • Make him to understand his bahavior
  • In serious behavior pattern consult to a child psychologist immediately.    
Namrata Singh
for any quaries mail us:-

Friday, 6 January 2012

Myth & Facts ADHD

THERE are many myths and fallacies floating around. Here are the truth behind some most common ones.
 Myth: There is no such medical condition as ADHD.
 Fact:  ADHD disorder is a medical disorder, not a condition of the child's will. 
  Myth: It is caused by bad parenting. All the child needs is good discipline.
  Fact:  It is not caused by bad parenting, however, parenting techniques can often improve or worsen  some symptoms.

  Myth: ADHD is a life sentence.
  Fact:  Although the symptoms usually continue into adulthood, the person learns ways to cope with 
the symptoms. Some of them have plenty of energy, are creative, and can often accomplish more
 than people who do not have the condition.

 Myth: Having ADHD means the person is lazy or dumb.
  Fact:  Some highly intelligent people have it, so it has nothing to do with a person's intellectual ability.
  Myth: The diagnosis is confirmed if certain medications (psychostimulants) have a positive effect on what seem to be symptoms of ADHD.

  Fact:  Children without ADHD respond to psychostimulants similarly to children who have it. A trial of medication is not used to diagnose the condition.

  Myth: Medication will make a person seem drugged.
  Fact:  Properly adjusted medication helps  sharpen a person's focus and increases his or her ability to control behaviour.

  Myth: Psychostimulants are no longer useful after puberty.
  Fact:  Affected teens and adults continue to benefit from medication treatment.
  Myth: Children with ADHD are learning to use the condition as an excuse for their behaviour.
  Fact:  It is a disability, and children have to learn ways to deal with theirsymptoms (inattention,   impulsivity, and hyperactivity) that cause them to have difficulties in life.

  Myth: Children outgrow it.
  Fact:  About 70 per cent to 80 per cent of children with this disorder continue to have symptoms during  their teen years,and about 50 per cent have symptoms into adulthood.

  Myth: If a child has ADHD, he or she can always be diagnosed in the health professional's office.
  ADHD Facts:  A child may not always show symptoms of ADHD, especially in an unfamiliar setting. Evaluating a child from one office observation may result in failure to recognise or diagnose symptoms.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Bed Wetting

Stop Bed Wetting

Tip 1 - Visit the Toilet before Bed

Ensure that you child goes to the toilet before going to bed. Parents should make this a regular routine before bedtime. Avoid waking up children and then sending them to the toilet as it could later cause them to pass urine in the bed before their bladder is full. This can reduce bed wetting to a great extent. In addition to this, the child will also develop a good habit of urinating before going to bed.

Tip 2 - Use a Bed Wetting Alarm

Many parents have found this to be an effective way to treat bed wetting. Make a note of what time your child usually wets the bed. Set an alarm to wake the child up before that particular time. The child can then visit the toilet and you do not have to worry about a wet bed. You can also use a bed wetting alarm for this purpose. A bedwetting alarm senses when the child starts to wet the bed and goes off. This method teaches the child to react to a full bladder. You will notice good results within 2 to 3 months.

Tip 3 - Limit Consumption of Fluids

Another way to stop bed wetting is by limiting the amount of fluids the child consumes about 2 hours before going to bed. It is alright for children to drink about 8 cups of fluids that are spaced out through the day. Also avoid giving them caffeine infused drinks, especially at night. This is because caffeine has a urine producing result on the body. Remember that this method is helpful for night time bed wetting and not for children who wet themselves during the day.

Tip 4 - Leave the Toilet Lights On

Many children are afraid to go to the toilet at night because of the darkness. If you want to encourage your child to visit the toilet at night, leave the lights on. This will not only reduce their fear of the dark, but also make it easy for them to find their way to the toilet. 
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Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Lies Parents Always Tell Their Children

 you tell the truth you won’t get in trouble.

You are the prettiest girl/most handsome boy in the world

The existence of Santa, the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy

Do this or you’re not going to get “your birthday/Christmas/family vacation

Eating your vegetables will make you grow up big and strong

If you keep making that face, your face will stay that way

The police arrest children who make problems.

The ice cream van only play music to let children know it has run out of ice cream

Thursday, 15 December 2011

How To Handle Aggressive Child

1. Be Consistent:

 For younger kids, the key is to be consistent. You can’t ignore behaviors one day and respond by screaming at your child the next. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, try to be consistent. If your child has a problem with hitting his siblings, respond with something like, “Hitting is not OK. You need to spend some time by yourself and calm down.” Do your best to make sure you respond the same way every time.

2. Remove your child from the situation:

 Sometimes you need to take your child out of a situation to help him regain control of his emotions. If you’re at the grocery store and your toddler is having a tantrum and kicking at the shopping cart because you’re not buying the cereal he likes, you can say, “You’re making too much noise. We’re not going to buy this cereal, and if you don’t stop we’ll have to leave.” If your child doesn’t stop, follow through and take him out of the store.

3. Offer a pep talk ahead of time.
 If you know there are situations that are difficult for your child, give him a little pep talk ahead of time. If your child always has trouble when he goes to your relative’s house—let’s say he gets stirred up and starts hitting his cousins—it’s worth having a very brief discussion with him telling him what you expect before you enter the house. “You need to play nicely. If you start hitting him or hurt your cousins, we will leave immediately. Do you understand?”

4. Give time outs: 
Give younger children a timeout or a time away in a quiet place with some time alone. You can say, “I want you to be quiet and calm down. You cannot hit your brother when you’re mad. When you’re quiet for two minutes, you can come back and play with your brother.” Do very little talking and be very clear with your directions

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Child Abuse Prevention Tips

  • Never discipline your child when your anger is out of control.
  • Participate in your child’s activities and get to know your child’s friends.
  • Never leave your child unattended, especially in the car.
  • Teach your child the difference between “safe touches” and “unsafe or unwanted touches”.
  • Ask questions; for example, when your child tells you he or she doesn’t want to be with someone, this could be a red flag.
  • Listen to them and believe what they say.
  • Be aware of changes in your child’s behavior or attitude, and inquire into it.
  • Teach your child what to do if you and your child become separated while away from home.
  • Teach your child the correct names of his/her private body parts.
  • Be alert for any talk that reveals premature sexual understanding.
  • Pay attention when someone shows greater than normal interest in yourchild.
  • Make certain your child’s school or day care center will release him/her only to you or someone you officially designate.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Mobile Addiction

Side Effect Of Internet, Face Book, Mobile Addiction

  1. Concentration Level Poor.
  2. Poor Subject Interest.
  3. Poor Subject Knowledge.
  4. Headache .
  5. Eye Sight Week.
  6. Isolation.
  7. Less Interaction with Family.
  8. Stress.
  9. Out of Touch in Outside (home area).
  10. Irritation and Aggression
  11. Acidity.
  12. Obesity.                                                                                               give your comment to

    If you’re worried that your child may be suffering with a Mobile Addiction , it’s time to make an appointment  at Hello Psychologist Child Development Centre Lucknow INDIA.
    You can make an appointment with us by calling--9415370790,9369160546

Saturday, 15 October 2011

5 Question Parents Should Know About Teeanger Dating

  1. 1-Five Truths about Your Teen and Dating

    2-When Your Teen Has a Crush

    3-Talk to Your Teen About Dating

    4- Teen Books on Dating and Love

    5-Warning Signs of Teen Dating

    give your comments


Wednesday, 14 September 2011

AArogyama Career Counseling Centre, E-42 RAVINDRA GARDEN ALIGANJ, LUCKNOW-9452463690,9369160546,: AArogyama Career Counseling Centre

AArogyama Career Counseling Centre, E-42 RAVINDRA GARDEN ALIGANJ, LUCKNOW-9452463690,9369160546,: AArogyama Career Counseling Centre: All Type of Psychological Service for Child and Students 1. IQ Assessments 2. Personality Assessments 3. Career Counseling 4. Counseling f...

Best Career Counsellor Lucknow

All Type of Psychological Service for Child and


1. IQ Assessments
2. Personality Assessments
3. Career Counseling
4. Counseling for Emotional Problems
5. Stress Management
6. Anxiety Management
7. Tension
8. Counseling for Angry Stubborn Children Conduct Problems
9. Counseling Lack of Memory or concentration
10. Counseling for Exam Phobia Failure in Exams
11. Counseling for Performance Anxiety
12. Counseling for Sleep Problems
13. Tension Headache
14. Counseling for Fear of Crowded Places
15. Counseling for Stammering
16. Counseling for Teenage Problems
18. Management  of ADHD ( PARENTS TRANNING FREE )
19. Lack of confidence. Learners, Addiction, ADHD, Bed Wetting, Mood Disorder and other Psychological Problem.

Psychological Testing Counselling are avialble by



for detail contact- 9452463690,9415370790,9369160536,0522-4079473
AArogyama Wellness Centre

Sector-E, 42 Ravindra Garden

                                ALIGANJ- LUCKNOW (U.P)
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