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Showing posts with label best child psychologist in lucknow. Show all posts

Sunday, 21 July 2013

How to Handle Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Issues 

Raising one child is challenging in our fast-paced society. Raising more than one child brings added joys, and often, difficult feelings that start with the older child and eventually infect the younger child too.
Those feelings can be lifted by a few important strategies which, employed early and
often, can clear the way for rich, playful, and loving relationships between children. Since these strategies are not the typical, "Don't do that or I'll send you to your room" approach, they are challenging to use. But the results they bring over time are deeply rewarding.

Preparation for a brother or sister

Every child has longings for more time and more closeness with their parents! These longings are a big part of why it's hard to want to go to bed at night, hard to get dressed to go to day care or to Grandma's, and why it can even be upsetting to see Mommy or Daddy cuddling or talking on the telephone! Every child needs a chance to air his feelings about wanting more, indeed, about wanting all your time and attention.

 The first is to offer him Special Time during which you pour on your attention, your approval, and your closeness. You allow your child to choose what play he wants to do with you.
You can start Special Time by saying expectantly, “OK, we have fifteen minutes, and I'll play with you any way you want to!” with a lively tone. Then, keep your attention focused on your child. Let the phone ring, and postpone your need to get a cup of tea during this time.

It's surprisingly hard to do for us—because parenting is stressful, we almost always try to teach, try to direct, or try to get little jobs done while we're playing with our children! What Special Time does is to help your child, and you, too, notice that you are paying loving attention and letting him make decisions for awhile.

The second step is to notice when your child longs for exclusive closeness with you. Is it when new people are around? Is it when you both arrive at day care or at the grandparents' house? Is it at bedtime, with pleas for story after story to keep you close?
When a child feels upset about a possible separation, however minor it may be, his feelings of needing you are ready to be released. He needs the reassurance that you love him and the chance to cry as long as possible to drain the reservoir of sadness about you going.
Playfully with the older child

After a new sibling had arrived, an older child's feelings will be both large with love and wonder, and tight with upset about his sibling's intrusion into his relationship and time with you. One of the more fruitful ways to handle this is to find a way to play "I want you!" with your older child as often as possible.

"I want you" games come in a hundred variations. You could begin by getting down on the floor and announcing, “I have a hundred kisses for you! Where shall I start?!” and crawling awkwardly toward your child. You can make great efforts to get him and cuddle him, and then he can wriggle away and dance just out of reach, laughing while you try to deliver your kisses. 

The laughter your child does while you playfully show that you can't live without him heals some of the hurt of seeing you attending the other child so often and so lovingly. And it gives you a delightful way to openly appreciate your older child.
Special Time will also help you center your attention on your older child at regular intervals during the week, helping both him and you to plump up your relationship and remember the love you have for each other.

Notice what goes well      
Brothers and sisters want to get along. They want to have fun with each other. Often, we parents are so relieved to have things going well between our children that we don't notice the details of the generous and flexible moments between them. We use the times that go well between them to get our housework or phone calls or schoolwork done.

If you look carefully, you'll see sharing, assistance, and thoughtfulness at moments and in places you hadn't noticed before. Sometimes, these moments of brotherly and sisterly genius take place a split-second before the relationship deteriorates into a tangle.
In spite of what follows, those few seconds were an effort, and an achievement. Your appreciation of the positive is a help to your children's relationship. “Jacquie, thanks for bringing your sister the brush. Now can you let her do her hair herself?” helps a child feel seen. Her effort to help is real, even if her follow-through leaves something to be desired.

When your child needs you and you can't help right away

When children cry for more closeness, or get upset because you can't help them right away, we have an excellent chance to help them to fully release the sadness they feel. When your older child feels needy, you can send him an invitation to be close.
A loving look or a tender word, an invitation to come and snuggle your back or sit on your feet or be embraced by your one free arm says, "I want to help" even when you can't.

If your child begins to tantrum or cry, an excellent thing is happening! He's using the offer of closeness that you gave as the sweetness he needed to begin to release his pent-up feelings of upset. Sometimes children "work on" their feelings of helplessness, too, and feel like they can’t walk over to you.
After they've cried a while, they'll rediscover their ability to walk again, and will have worked through some outdated feelings that were making them whiny and hard to live with.

Crying and tantrums heal the hurt, although by all appearances, your child feels worse than ever while it's happening. If you keep offering loving words and gentle looks while he works his feelings through, he'll feel closer to you and much relieved when he's done, and he won't be blaming his unhappiness on his sibling. His unhappiness will have been scrubbed away by the heartfelt emotional work he just did.

Key to this strategy is your understanding that your love is enough, even when you can't help right away. Your attention during an explosion of feelings (even from the other side of the room) is noticed by your child. Your voice and your eyes will convey your caring, and help to right the wrongs that your child is feeling.
You are not neglecting him, nor are you causing more pain. While you patiently listen to a crying or tant ruming child, you are doing a good job as a parent, and your child is doing a good job of getting rid of the bad feelings he doesn't want to live with.

What about the disputes?

In every family feeling of frustration and competition for attention and for toys disturb siblings' good intentions sooner or later. When there's a tug-of-war over you, or over a desired thing, you can help your children by listening the feelings through.
Children can tolerate necessary unfairness as long as the feelings of frustration or insult are heard. Feelings that are listened to all the way through are feelings that evaporate afterward.

When you listen to crying or frustration, the child lets the awful feeling out, and your attention and caring then flow in. So siblings can get back to loving each other, even when you can't give them the same experiences, or the same amounts, or the same time, or the same toys.

A policy that reduces tension over time

The policy I like best about disputed items is that the child who has the item gets to keep it until he's done. Meanwhile, the parent "helps the other child wait" by making sure he is gently held if he tries to grab.
The parent listens to the child's upset while he feels like he's never going to get his turn. The crying or tantrum drains the "I'm a victim" feelings, the "I never get what I want" feelings, and the "It isn't fair" feelings that often infect a sibling relationship, and turn it into a real power contest every day. All the parent needs to do is to listen to the feelings, and to keep giving the reassurance that, “You'll get a turn. He won't keep the red bike forever.”

As you'll see, the "unfairness" of Jasmine getting to the puzzle first today will let Jacquie work on her upsets, and Jacquie getting to the swing first tomorrow will let Jasmine work on her upsets. Cry by cry, both children have a chance to have your company and closeness while they work out their upsets about the other.
Gradually, over time, this helps siblings develop patience and trust that, even if they can't have what they want right now, they are loved and will get a turn later. You have children who love each other, and by listening, you're helping them move big chunks of negative feelings out of the way of that love. The fun will follow.

When both children are pulling hard on the same item, an unusual but very effective strategy is to put your hand on the desired item, too, and say, “I'm sure you can figure out how to share this. I'm not going to let either of you grab it right now. You can figure this out.”
Lots of crying and heated feelings will follow, and when one or the other child has cried enough to think clearly, a solution will appear. One child will decide to wait, or they'll begin negotiating with each other. It's so difficult to resist clamping a solution onto the problem right away!

But allowing them to cry hard about their heated wants will make cooperation far more likely. And you won't be required to keep the peace between them, once they've cried enough to come to their own solution.

We adults have been trained to try to solve the dispute quickly so the feelings will subside. It's an emotional challenge for us to take the unusual tack that the feelings are the real issue, not the disputed item.
When we listen instead of legislating turns, we bring our children some moments to feel loved while they feel sad or angry. This love and reassurance while they are upset sticks with them far longer than the five minutes of (usually defensive) fun with the toy, after which they are tense again over when they will get their next five minutes.

When one sibling is harsh toward another

Children who touch too roughly, or hug too tightly, or hit or poke or hurt their siblings are sending clear signals that they have some upsets that need to be listened to. Even very young children can be gentle with younger ones; as long as they are feeling "filled up" with attention, and relaxed.
So any sign of harshness from one sibling to another can be taken as a sign that the child is not feeling connected or relaxed enough to function thoughtfully. When you notice that a child has been rough, scolding him or ordering him to do things correctly won't help. This only frightens your child more, and makes it less likely that he'll be able to act thoughtfully.

What does help is to move in quickly and gently.
Very gently but firmly stop the tense child from touching the younger child, but don't remove him. Say, “I'll help you be next to Sammy,” and guide his hands or his kisses so that they land softly, Move so that you can make eye contact with the older child, and invite him kindly to take a look at you.
Usually, because the child is tense with upset, he can't look at you for long, and when he tries, the upset begins to make him want to go away. Gently stay with him and keep him close, continuing to let him feel your attention and your support.

Usually, the child will move rather quickly into a tantrum or a big cry about wanting you or not wanting you, or about wanting to touch the baby, or not wanting the baby. All those feelings are important facets of the nugget of upset he's trying to offload. If you stay with him, without criticism, he'll be able to cry or tantrum it through.

When our children hurt each other, we need help ourselves

Seeing one sibling hurt another is one of the most trying times in our lives as parents. It makes us feel like we aren’t succeeding at the really important part of parenting. And often, it sets us up to be harsh toward the child who did the hurting, even though we love that child deeply.
Sometimes, when the hurting has become frequent, almost habitual, sibling troubles infect the way all the members of the family feel all of the time. As hard as these times are for us, we need to keep the perspective that they happen in just about every family.

Perhaps we’ll come to a time in human history when life is so gentle that sibling aggression is rarer, but we’re not there yet.

One difficulty we have in finding good ways out of sibling tangles, little or big, is that we parents generally haven’t seen parents handle sibling difficulties without harshness.
It feels like harshness is necessary, even justified, to get the aggression to stop. But if we reason things through, it’s hard to see how harshness from a grownup could beget love and tenderness between children. There must be a better answer.

And there is, but it’s not easy. I think the most effective answer lies off the beaten path of a parent’s life. Since it works so well, here goes.

When our children begin to fight and it creates upset in the family, it’s time for the parent looking for a solution to find a listener. Parents with fighting siblings get upset. Upset people don’t solve people problems well.
We have to be able to win the hearts of our children back to us, before they can love each other well again. And to win a child’s heart, a grownup needs to shed his doubts about the goodness of the child. When our children fight, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that they are good children.

When they fight, at least one of them is experiencing a blackout in his thinking. He hasn’t stopped being a good person, he’s just stopped thinking. It happens to us every day too. For example, when our children fight, we often stop thinking.

So a good first move is to find someone who can, without interruption, judgment, or advice, listen to you talk about the child who gets lost in upset.
Some of the things to talk about are:

What was it like for you and that child when he was born?
When he was an infant?
What was the last time you really felt close to him? Enjoyed him?
What do you feel like doing when he hurts his sibling? What do you do?
What would have happened to you if you had acted like he does when you were a child?
What do you worry about?
What hurts you or angers you when you see your children fighting?

Telling someone about each of these threads of experience and feeling will help. If you can show some of the feelings that arise, all the better. The feelings are sitting there, waiting for release.
Sometimes, it helps to talk about the situation several times. Don’ make your children listen to the stories you have. They are best saved for other adults.

Your child is good
 Sooner or later, every child with siblings gets upset with his brother or sister. But try to keep a good perspective: even when consumed with big feelings, your child is good. He's signalling you for help as clearly and as vigorously as he knows how.
You may need some listening time from another adult to remember his goodness. Once your own upset isn't throbbing, you'll again be able to spend one-on-one time with him, a good first step toward healing his aching heart.

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Thursday, 8 November 2012

Child's sex behaviors

Understand child's sex behaviors

Sexual Behaviour And Sexuality Are Difficult Topics To Confront For Several Reasons, Only One Of Which Is The Reluctance Of Many People To Address Or Discuss The Subjects. The Topics Become Even More Difficult When We Have To Speak About Them In Relation To Children. When Children Engage In Sexual Behaviour In School Settings, Teachers And Principals Are Faced With Sensitive Cultural, Gender, Religious, Spiritual, Legal And Professional Issues.

What Is Problem Sexual Behaviour?

There Is A Wide Range Of Behaviour That Can Be Considered Problematic. Such Behaviour Can
• A Single Incident That Indicates A Child Has Knowledge Of Adult Sexual Behaviour Beyond His/Her Age And Developmental Level
• A Pattern Of Sexual Behaviour, Which, Although The Behaviours Themselves May Be Normal , Does Not Respond To Correction By Adults
• Sexual Behaviours That Are Atypical For A Child’s Developmental Level Or Suggest That A Child Is Pre-Occupied With Sexual Matters
• Sexual Behaviours That Do Not Involve Other Students But Are A Problem For The Student Himself Or Herself (E.G., Excessive Masturbation That Interferes With Academic Work And/Or Peer Relationships)
• Sexual Behaviours That Bother Or Seriously Disturb Other Students

How Do Children Develop Problem Sexual Behavior?

Children’s Problem Sexual Behaviours Can Be Placed In Three Groupings, Each With Different
1. Reactive Sexual Behaviour- Some Children Do Sexual Things Because Of What They Have Experienced Or Witnessed
2. Sexualized Behaviour- Some Children Have Had So Much Trouble In Their Lives That They Feel Profoundly Sad, Lonely, Or Empty, And Discover That Sexual Behaviour Helps Them Cope With Unpleasant And Negative Emotions.
3. Coercive Sexual Behaviour- A Few Children Who Have Experienced A Long History Of Powerlessness And Physical And Sexual Abuse, Or Have Witnessed Violence, Come To Engage In Coercive Sexual Behaviour That Mimics That Of Aggressive Adult Sexual Behaviour.

Helping Your Children To Change Their Behaviour-

Step 1-  Find Out Which Of The Child’s Specific Behaviour Need To Be Changed, Such As Persistent Sex Play Or Pressuring A Younger To Have Sexual Contact. Then Look At How Often It Has Happened, What Else Goes On While It Happens, And What Reward The Child Gets From It. For Example, Child May Get Attention For His/Her Behaviour; It May Feel Good, Or  It May Be A Way Of Having Control Over Others.

Step 2- Make A Plan To Stop The Behaviour. What To Do (Ignoring, Time Out Or Punishment) Depends On How Serious The Behaviour Is. Be Sure To Tell The Child What Behaviour You Are Concerned About And What You Are Going To Do. Then Follow Through With It.

Step 3- Make A Plan To Praise Positive Behviour. Figure Out What Child Is Getting From The Sexual Behaviour And Look For Others Ways To Meet Those Needs. For Example, If Child Does Not Know How To Tell People When He Or She Is Angry, Find Ways To Help Him Or Her Express Her Anger, Such As Talking About It Or Drawing Pictures. If Child Needs Attention, Give It When He Or She Is Behaving Well. Teach The Child Things To Do To Help Control Himself/Herself, Like Asking For Help, Leaving The Situation Or Taking Time To Think Things Thorough Before Acting.

Step 4- Protect The Children. When Children Cannot Stop Misbehaving On Their Own, Don’t Give Them Chances To Continue Misbehaving. This Means Watching Them Closely, Not Allow Them To Play With Other Children Without Adults Around Who Know What To Watch For. When Children Have Proven They Can Behave, It May Be Possible To Become More Flexible.

Step 5- Take Care Of Yourself. You Will Be Less Able To Help Your Child If You Are Angry, Depressed Or Overwhelmed. Talk To Family And Friends About Your Feelings, Get Advice From People You Trust, Consult Your Doctor Or Talk To Your Counselor. Even Though This Is A Stressful Time, Try To Stay Focused On Helping Your Child And Strengthening Your Family. In The Long Run, If You Are Handling The Situation Well, That Will Be The Most Help.

Responsibilities Of School Staff-

All School Staff Are Responsible For The Initial Intervention When They Observe Problem Sexual Behaviour By A Student, Or When Such Behaviour Is Reported By A Student. The Initial Intervention Includes Talking To The Student Who Exhibited The Behaviour, Documenting The Incident, Informing The Principal, And Reporting To A Child Protection Social Worker/Police When Necessary. However, School Personnel Have Specific Responsibilities Beyond The Initial Intervention. Responsibilities May Vary Depending On The Seriousness Of The Behaviour.

An Effective School Response To Children’s Problem 
Sexual Behaviors Has Three Goals :

1. Encourage Communication — Adults Provide A Model For The Child By Being Able To Talk Clearly And Calmly About The Sexual Behaviour.
2. Develop Empathy — Adults Help The Child To Recognize And Interpret Cues That Signal Others’ Feelings And Needs, And Tell The Child About The Impact Of Her Or His Behaviour On Others.
3. Promote Accountability — Adults Help The Child Develop The Ability To “Catch” His Or Her Thoughts, Recognize Thinking Errors, And Understand That Behaviour Does Not “Just Happen.”

The Teacher:

• Talks To The Student(S) Involved And The Student Who Was Mistreated To Gather More
Information As Required
• Informs The Principal Of Incidents When They Occur
• Consults With School Counsellor Concerning Needs Of Students
• Documents The Incident And The Intervention
• Informs Parents Of Students Or Assists Principal And Counsellor In Talking To Parents
• Participates In The Development And Implementation Of A Safety And Support Plan
• Implements Behaviour Management Strategies In The Classroom, As Necessary
• May Provide Classroom Lessons/Discussion On Boundaries

The Principal:

• Receives Information (I.E., Reports) From Any Staff Person Or Parent Concerning Problem Sexual
Behaviour By Student(S)
• Stores Documentation In A Confidential, Secure Location (Not Part Of Student File)
• Contacts And Meets With Parents (I.E., Levels 2 And 3, Page 13)
• Convenes And Chairs Safety And Support Plan Team
• Assumes Role Of Case Manager Or Delegates The Responsibility To A Staff Member In The School
• Participates In The Development And Implementation Of The Safety And Support Plan

The Counsellor:

• Assists The Principal In Talking With Parents
• Determines Students’ Need For Further Support
• Consults With A Mental Health Professional (With Parents’ Written Permission)
• Participates In The Development Of A Safety And Support Plan
• Provides Support For The Classroom Teacher In Implementing Behaviour Management Strategies
• Discusses Boundary Issues With His Or Her Class
• Works With Student(S) Involved

The Support Staff:

• Informs Principal Of Incidents Of Problem Sexual Behaviour
• Documents The Incident
• Participates In The Development And Implementation Of The Safety And Support Plan As Requested
By The Principal
• Assists Classroom Teacher In Implementing Behaviour Management Strategies


Dr.Shweta singh


Dpt. of Applied Psychology,

V.B.S.Purvanchal University



Sunday, 22 April 2012

Behaviour Problems

Child Behaviour  Problems

In today’s society, children face countless situations that can have a negative effect on their social–emotional and academic development and ultimately on their happiness in life. Many societies consider delinquency, violence, drug and alcohol abuse, smoking, and early patterns of sexual behaviour that risk sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy among never married teenagers to be serious problems.
Common reasons for engaging in problem behaviour are:
1. To get attention (positive or negative)
2. To get an activity, toy, or item
3. To escape or avoid an activity or task
4. Due to physical or medical conditions
In simple terms, social and emotional learning (SEL) is the capacity to recognize and manage emotions, solve problems effectively, and establish positive relationships with others, competencies that clearly are essential for all students. Thus, SEL targets a combination of behaviours, cognitions, and emotions.

 Describe these common features in the principles of effective prevention-

1.Prevention efforts should begin with prenatal care and continue throughout the school years
2. Provide positive consequences to increase desirable behaviours
3. Clear, immediate, mild negative consequences can reduce problem behaviours
4.Create opportunities for children to observe and practice interpersonal as well as academic skills
5. Know where children and adolescents are, what they are doing and with whom, and provide appropriate supervision
6. Reduce youths’ access to the situations in which problem behaviour is particularly likely to occur

7. Reduce children’s exposure to negative conditions that cause stress
8. Encourage good biological functioning throughout development
9. Reducing aggressive behaviour among young children can prevent many problems later on
10. Establishing strong, clear norms for behaviour can influence youths’ behaviour

Key Components of Effective SEL: Five key competencies are taught, practiced, and reinforced through SEL programming (CASEL, 2003):
A.Self-awareness—Identification and recognition of one’s own emotions, recognition of strengths in self and others, sense of self-efficacy, and self-confidence.
B.  Social awareness—Empathy, respect for others, and perspective taking.
C.Responsible decision making—Evaluation and reflection, and personal and ethical responsibility.
D.Self-management—Impulse control, stress management, persistence, goal setting, and motivation.
E. Relationship skills—Cooperation, help seeking and providing, and communication.

        Dr.Shweta singh
         Guest Lecturer,
         Dpt of Applied Psychology,
        V.B.S.Purvanchal University

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

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