Showing posts with label Teenager Psychologist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teenager Psychologist. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Find a Child or Teenager Psychologist For Counselling in Lucknow- 9369160546

  1. When good student get bad grades or poor marks.

 2- Aggressive behavior in children and adolescents.

3- Constantly checks cellphone for messages. 

4- Hyperactive behavior at home.

5- Child have low levels of concentration.

6- Don't respect Parents.

7- Careless for studies.

8- Have bad habit like - smoking and drinking.

Parents contact a psychologist for counselling, to help their children with a variety of issues, 
such as academic achievement,student crisis situations,personal/social. 

Come and improve your quality of life with us--- 

Hello Psychologist Child Development Counseling Center Lucknow

हेलो साइकोलोजिस्ट चाइल्ड डेवलपमेंट काउन्सलिंग सेन्टर लखनऊ ,उत्तर प्रदेश , इंडिया

 Call for appointment - 9369160546 , 9415370790


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